Scott Fisher
Chief Executive Officer
Offsite NZ
Scott is CEO of OffsiteNZ, New Zealand’s peak body representing the offsite construction sector. Scott is passionate about how the offsite sector, by applying manufacturing disciplines, new technologies & processes and practice LEAN disciplines can achieve a better built environment - better quality, smarter, greener, safer, faster, more innovative, and more efficient building solutions.
Scott has extensive commercial and leadership experience in the public, private and NGO sectors and with several membership bodies. Scott is a current member of the Ministry of Building, Innovation & Employment’s Building Advisory Panel, Massey University’s Built Environment Advisory Panel, the Construction & Infrastructure Workforce Development Council’s Offsite Industry Group, the Manufacturing, Engineering & Logistics Workforce Development Council’s Stakeholder Advisory Group and Past Chair of MBIE’s Modular Component Manufacturer Scheme’s Technical Working Group.
Scott is a frequent speaker at construction sector conferences advocating & promoting the merits of building better.
Day 2
Outlining the future of offsite manufacturing and how CHPs and Councils can get involved
Embracing the modular and tiny homes revolution while it is still new
The importance of an all-of-government OSM strategy to help stimulate the sector
Using the Ministry of Education’s increase in OSM as a template for Community Housing
How can CHPs and Councils use OSM as part their next affordable housing develop project?
Scott Fisher, CEO, Offsite NZ