Maxine Stiling
Tenancy Quality Manager
Haumaru Housing
Maxine Stiling is the Tenancy Quality Manager at Haumaru Housing in New Zealand. Maxine joined
Haumaru in 2020 bringing her Registered nurse and Law experience plus her extensive quality experience to the organisation. In her role, she focuses on enhancing the living experiences of tenants and the importance of communal spaces and fostering supportive communities for the tenants within the 62 Villages managed by Haumaru.
Maxine is also presently Co- chair of Age friendly Auckland, focussing on ensuring the needs of older Aucklanders are recognised in Tāmaki Makaurau. Tāmaki Makaurau Tauawhi Kaumātua (the Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan) was created to respond to the needs of our growing, and increasingly diverse, older Aucklanders.
Day 1
Roundtable A - How do CHPs build their capability and capacity in preparation for the management and acquisition of Kainga Ora stock?
Conrad LaPointe, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity
Roundtable B - What are tenants looking for in the design of new affordable housing?
Maxine Stiling, Tenancy Quality Manager, Haumaru Housing
Roundtable C – Creating a pathway from emergency housing to sustainable tenancy
Roundtable D – Unpacking the impact of development contributions on housing: What are the challenges and opportunities to improve efficiency?
Adrienne Miller, Chief Executive Officer, Urban Development Institute of New Zealand UDINZ