Marae Tukere
General Manager, Oranga
I have worked for my iwi for the past 18 years, 6 years as a member of our Tribal Governance and the remaining implementing programmes and initiatives which contribute to the objectives of our tribal strategy Whakatupuranga 2050. Working alongside our 68 marae we want to support our 90,000+ tribal membership to be “committed to Kiingitanga, fluent in te reo, strong in tikanga, healthy, well educated, financially secure, socially sound and environmentally conscious”. As GM Oranga I work in the Environmental, Social Wellbeing and Economic Development spaces.
Day 1
Hopuhopu Development Case Study: Setting the standard for modern and affordable housing for iwi
Connecting people, culture, and place to provide communities rather than just shelter
Developing in a way that speaks to the unique needs of Waikato Tainui
Ensuring this development is sustainable and resilient to future change
Marae Tukere, General Manager, Oranga, Waikato-Tainui
Alieta Waitoa, General Manager, Operations, Waikato-Tainui