Kayla Stewart
Housing Policy & Strategy Specialist
Waitaki District Council
Dr Kayla Stewart is the Housing Policy and Strategy Specialist at Waitaki District
Council, where she leads the implementation of the district’s Healthy Homes for All
Community Housing Strategy. She is an advisory member to the Waitaha Canterbury
Regional Housing Strategic Plan group. In a small district with very constrained
resources, she is focused on collaboration and partnerships to address housing
challenges and best meet the needs of the community.
Day 2
Panel: Navigating the uncertainty around funding for local council housing
Identifying where local councils can positively influence affordable housing
Strengthening partnerships to assist with affordable housing when funding runs dry
Communicating the extent to which council can and cannot influence housing outcomes
Agreeing on the role councils should be playing in affordable housing in 10 years
Moderator: Kayla Stewart, Housing Policy & Strategy Specialist, Waitaki District Council
Bruce Rendall, Head of City Growth and Property, Christchurch City Council
Gill Brown, Principal Policy Advisor – Housing, Dunedin City Council