Gill Brown
Principal Policy Advisor – Housing
Dunedin City Council
Gill Brown has a long history of working in the public sector including eleven years at Corrections and five years at Kainga Ora. Since coming to the Dunedin City Council, Gill has worked on the Ōtepoti Dunedin Housing Plan and subsequent Implementation Plans. Her focus in the role of Principal Policy Advisor – Housing, is to ensure that opportunities for all sectors of the housing continuum are realised within Dunedin city. This includes finding levers that council can use to utilise land, encourage the building of affordable homes, use the buildings Council has and creating a systemic approach to homelessness.
Day 2
Panel: Navigating the uncertainty around funding for local council housing
Identifying where local councils can positively influence affordable housing
Strengthening partnerships to assist with affordable housing when funding runs dry
Communicating the extent to which council can and cannot influence housing outcomes
Agreeing on the role councils should be playing in affordable housing in 10 years
Moderator: Kayla Stewart, Housing Policy & Strategy Specialist, Waitaki District Council
Bruce Rendall, Head of City Growth and Property, Christchurch City Council
Gill Brown, Principal Policy Advisor – Housing, Dunedin City Council