Adrienne Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Urban Development Institute of New Zealand UDINZ
Adrienne Miller is CEO of the Urban Development Institute of New Zealand (UDINZ) and before that was General Manager, NZ for the Infrastructure Sustainability Council. She has worked for more than 25 years in and around construction and infrastructure, working in waste (WAM), building products (CHH), construction companies (Downer & Fletchers), a public sector water utility (Watercare); consulting in private practice (CTSY) and her own boutique consulting firm, (Cupola)
In addition to her executive work, she has a number of governance and voluntary roles. She is in her second term on the Building Advisory Panel at MBIE, was a foundational member of the WIN Advisory Board at Infrastructure New Zealand and in her capacity as a Trustee of Diversity Works NZ chaired the DWNZ project Steering Committee for the Construction Diversity Roadmap. She was also member of the Infrastructure Reference Group within the Construction Sector Accord before it was disbanded.
She is regularly asked to chair and facilitate events and writes and speaks on a range of issues facing the sector.
Day 1
Roundtable A - How do CHPs build their capability and capacity in preparation for the management and acquisition of Kainga Ora stock?
Conrad LaPointe, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity
Roundtable B - What are tenants looking for in the design of new affordable housing?
Maxine Stiling, Tenancy Quality Manager, Haumaru Housing
Roundtable C – Creating a pathway from emergency housing to sustainable tenancy
Roundtable D – Unpacking the impact of development contributions on housing: What are the challenges and opportunities to improve efficiency?
Adrienne Miller, Chief Executive Officer, Urban Development Institute of New Zealand UDINZ